Saturday, September 17, 2016

National Association of Hispanic Priests.

El Paso, located on west Texas, right next to the border of Mexico, which is a city whose population is mostly of hispanic culture by nearly 80% has recently released this statement on El Paso Times"Having received a blessing from Pope Francis and being a part of the national conversation on immigration, El Paso seemed like the ideal city to hold the upcoming conference by the National Association of Hispanic Priests." This Article mainly discusses the reasons as to which almost 100 priests are having this conference and the main reason why I feel that you guys should read this article and know where El Paso is, is because right know is a critical time for the Hispanic culture, like said on this El Paso times article "We hear all over the news "to go back where you came from," but people really do not know the truth behind leaving near the border. Don't get me wrong, a city next to a border is a city rich in culture like no other city is, but there are many there other things that follow, involving young minors looking for a better future and much more. I believe that with this conference, it will be a step to get to know and understand more of what happens to individuals when they come looking for a better life and a even greater step to help them out. 

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